No-contact Delivery Service Available – ThistleandClay

Free shipping on all orders over £50 with code FR33SHIP24

No-contact Delivery Service Available

Following the outbreak of COVID-19 Thistle & Clay will begin making home deliveries of soap, hand sanitiser, shampoo, household cleaning products and bathroom essentials including dental products, within a 15 mile radius of Aboyne w/c 23/3/20.

It will be a strict no contact delivery service, customers designating a safe place to leave ttheir items, somewhere safe and dry.

Orders can be placed by telephone or online and payment can be made over the phone for those without access to the internet.

We hope this will be a valuable addition to llocal  services, and will reassure customers that they can successfully self-isolate and still have access to natural, planet and skin friendly soap, cleaning products and bathroom essentials from the safety of their home.