Peppermint Mocha
Peppermint is stimulating and refreshing. It is good for inhalations and easing sinus congestion. It has a relaxing effect on the stomach and is good for settling nausea.
Cedarwood originates in the Atlas Mountains in North Africa. In former times, linen chests were frequently crafted from this wood to keep moths out. To date, clothes hangers are frequently crafted from this wood. The ancient Egyptians used this oil, namely to embalm, for cosmetics and perfumery.
Warming, uplifting, and toning. Cedarwood is a calming and soothing oil that is beneficial for all states of tension and anxiety, instilling feelings of peace. This oil may be beneficial for oily skin, acne, cellulite, chronic skin conditions, cystitis and respiratory problems. It is excellent for oily skin and hair and a very effective deodorant.
Bergamot is refreshing, immune supporting, antiseptic and digestive. Useful in skincare and perfumery. Uplifting, anti-depressant, self empowering, supports confidence, aids in self expression. This oil is free from bergapten, so there are no cautions for skin exposed to the sun.